Dry mouth can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but it can also cause damage to your oral health as well. Dry mouth is caused by a number of factors including autoimmune disorders, diabetes, and as a side effect of certain drugs or medications. Dry mouth isn’t necessarily an oral health emergency, but it is something you should work to avoid.
Damage Caused by Dry Mouth
If you allow the problem of dry mouth to go on for too long, the lack of saliva can increase dental cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. Saliva is an important part of balancing the pH levels in your mouth and is also useful for washing away plaque and food debris. Without saliva, plaque would be allowed to accumulate, eating away at the enamel and causing tooth decay and dental cavities.
How to Avoid Dry Mouth
Below are a few ways to avoid dry mouth and increase saliva production:
- Chew sugar-free gum – Chewing sugar-free gum or sucking on sugar-free candy can stimulate saliva production. This is due to the chewing motion of the teeth and jaw.
- Avoid caffeine – Caffeinated beverages can cause dry mouth, so cutting out caffeine can help ease the symptoms of dry mouth.
- Drink more water – Obviously drinking more water is a good way to combat dry mouth. Because dry mouth can sometimes be a symptom of dehydration, it’s important to make sure you’re staying properly hydrated.
- Quit tobacco use – All types of tobacco products will cause dry mouth. Not only will quitting tobacco help to increase the production of saliva, but it will also improve your overall health as well.
- Make sure you know your side effects – Ask your doctor if your current medications can cause dry mouth. This way you can be proactive about increasing saliva production.
If you have dry mouth and you’re concerned about the impact it may be having on your dental health, please contact Severance Dental located here in Severance, Colorado. We want to make sure your smile is healthy and beautiful for years to come!
Posted by director at 7:49 PM on Jun 4, 2019