How to Prevent Gum Disease and Gingivitis

Smiling coupleAccording to the CDC, up to half of American adults have gum disease and many will end up losing at least one tooth due to gum disease. In fact, gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among American adults and if you’re a male over the age of 65, your chances are even higher.

However, gum disease is a very simple disease to prevent. First, let’s learn a little about gum disease and how it progresses.

What is Gum Disease

Gum disease starts to occur when plaque begins to accumulate along the gum line and around the roots of the teeth. This will cause the gum tissue to become irritated and inflamed, eventually pulling away from the teeth. As a result of this gum recession, the plaque has more access and the roots of the teeth will begin to weaken.

The early stages of gum disease and gingivitis cause swollen, red, and tender gum tissue. You may notice that your gums bleed when you floss or brush. If you ignore these signs, your gum disease may progress into periodontitis, the most severe form of gum disease. This is the stage where teeth begin to fall out. Please visit the dentist at the first sign of gum disease.

How to Prevent Gum Disease

Now that we know a little about gum disease, let’s discuss ways to avoid it. Below are a few ways to keep gum disease away:

  • Quit tobacco products – Smoking and chewing tobacco has been shown to drastically increase the risk of gum disease. The best way to avoid developing gum disease is to quit the use of these products.
  • Brush and floss regularly – Flossing and brushing your gum tissue will keep the plaque away. Make sure to brush and floss twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Visit the dentist regularly – Lastly, regular visits to Severance Dental every six months will help to prevent gum disease and will allow us to catch it in the early stages before it’s allowed to cause too much of a problem.

Here at Severance Dental, your gum health is important to us. If you believe that you’re suffering from gum disease, please contact our Severance, Colorado family dental office today.  

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