Common Myths Regarding Dental Cavities

Common Myths Regarding Dental Cavities

Happy familyIt may be a surprise to learn that over 90% of the human population has had at least one dental cavity in their lifetime! Even if you have suffered from dental cavities in the past and had them treated, you may still believe some of the common myths regarding dental cavities. We are here to set the record straight!

Common Cavity Myths and the Truth Behind Them

Below are a few of the most common dental cavity myths and the truth behind them:

  • Myth – Cavities can be detected early on – The early stages of a dental cavity may come with no symptoms at all. The best way to detect cavities early is to keep your regular dental checkups. Once a cavity starts to hurt, it has already reached the tooth’s nerves.
  • Myth – Root canals are always done because of cavities – Root canal treatment is needed when damage is done to the root of the tooth. Damage can be done by trauma or even tooth grinding. Root canals are performed to save the tooth from extraction.
  • Myth – Kids get more cavities than adults – There has actually been a decrease in childhood cavities because of fluoridated water and better pediatric dental care. Many adults get cavities due to poor oral hygiene or medications that cause dry mouth.
  • Myth – Tooth sensitivity means a dental cavity – There are many other reasons for tooth sensitivity including brushing too harshly, gum recession, or the use of tooth whitening products. Visiting the dentist is the best idea for unknown tooth sensitivity.
  • Myth – Dental cavities in baby teeth can be ignored – Even though baby teeth fall out, it’s still important to retain them for as long as possible. This is because baby teeth protect the structure of your child’s mouth, ensuring a healthy bite pattern later on.


If you believe that you or your child has a dental cavity, please don’t hesitate to make an appointment here at Severance Dental. The earlier we can detect a dental cavity, the easier it is to treat. Our office is located here in Severance, Colorado.

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