We know how frustrating and scary it is to have tooth pain and require urgent dental care near you. At Severance Dental, we reserve time for dental emergency appointments. If you need immediate dental assistance, please call us at (970) 693-0080, and we will schedule an appointment for you as soon as possible.
We always provide gentle dental care in a safe environment! Each patient is treated with individual respect by our dentist or dental assistants.It is best to call before arriving for any dental emergency, as we cannot guarantee immediate assistance with walk-in dental appointments.
Severance Dental is here when you need it most. If you are experiencing the following, please get in touch with us as soon as possible.
Pain from a tooth infection can come on suddenly and become excruciating. If this occurs, please call us; we will do our best to get you in for a same-day emergency dental appointment. Depending on your specific needs, same-day dental treatment may be possible. Our top priority is to treat and relieve your tooth or jaw pain as we diagnose and provide you with a treatment plan.
How can you tell when to call your dentist or head to the emergency room? You should go to the emergency room if:
Typically, a dental emergency consists of tooth pain only, a cracked tooth, or even a tooth knocked out. If a tooth was knocked out, the quicker you see our dentist, the greater the chances that the tooth can be saved.
Find an emergency dentist near you. Please call us immediately if you are experiencing a dental emergency. Our staff and dentist are here to walk you through the process. For emergency room conditions, please follow the guide above - when in doubt, call 911.
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