3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup

3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup

Man sitting in chair talking with the doctor

When trying to make the most of your next dental cleaning and exam, there are a few things to know that can help you maximize your time spent in the dentist’s chair! We believe that the more educated our patients are about their dental health, the better they’ll be able to care for their mouths and teeth.

3 Questions to Ask Your Dentist

Below are three questions that you should know the answers to:

  • Is there anything my family doctor should know about?

Your oral health is closely linked to your overall health. Dr. Josh Kelly may be able to spot the first signs of a non-dental medical issues before your doctor can. Asking this question will make sure that you’re kept up-to-date about your dental and overall health and can allow you to ensure that all of your medical professionals have the relevant information.

  • How is my overall dental health?

The answer to this question will allow you to get a better overall view of your oral health. This can also help you learn what you’re doing well and what areas you should be working on.

  • How can I improve my dental health?

Lastly, pay close attention to specific treatments that Dr. Kelly recommends. Additionally, your dentist can help you figure out if you’re brushing and flossing correctly if you need to incorporate new products into your daily dental health routine and gain insight about other areas of your health and lifestyle that may contribute to your oral health.

Before visiting our office, make sure you have prepared a list of questions or concerns about your dental health. Let us know about any oral health problems you’ve been experiencing or if you have noticed anything new or unusual about your teeth or soft tissues.

To make an appointment at our office to receive a dental checkup and a cleaning, please contact Severance Dental here in Severance, Colorado.

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Image Credit: © Dreamstime.com

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