The Best Natural Remedies for Toothaches

The Best Natural Remedies for Toothaches

A person pouring mouthwash into a cup

Regardless of whether a toothache is throbbing, sharp, or dull, it is one of the most frustrating and debilitating experiences one can go through. Needless to say, it needs immediate professional assistance. However, as you wait for your dental appointment, here are three effective and best natural remedies for toothaches.

  1. Rinse with Warm Saltwater

The detoxification properties of salt combined with water make it an effective toothache reliever. All you need to do is mix one teaspoon of salt in a warm glass of water, mix it up and swish it in your mouth for ten to thirty seconds, then spit. Repeat these steps until the glass is empty.

  1. The Propolis and Ginger Tea Mouthwash

While ginger tea is known for its anti-inflammatory and soothing properties, propolis is an effective antibacterial and healing agent, making them the perfect duo to clean an inflamed area and relieve a toothache. Start by making a cup of ginger tea. Now add five drops of propolis to it, mix them thoroughly, and gargle with it twice a day.

  1. Apply Clove Oil

The best natural remedy for toothache is, last but not least, cloves. It isn’t only the most used natural treatment for toothache but is the most effective one. Clove oil is inexpensive and can be easily found in health food stores. Simply pour a few drops of clove oil on a cotton swab and gently apply it over the affected area.

Note: Even though all of the remedies discussed are very effective, remember that certain dental issues will require a dentist. So, if you notice swelling in your jaw, apply an ice-cold compress and contact a dentist right away.

Book a Dental Appointment Today

Are you looking for a dentist in Severance, CO? If yes, the Greeley emergency dentist has you covered. Call us to schedule an appointment, or click here to visit our website right now!

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