What’s the Difference Between Night Guards & Mouth Guards?

What’s the Difference Between Night Guards & Mouth Guards?

Two young boys doing karate

The terms ‘night guards’ and ‘mouth guards’ are often used interchangeably, but there are a few key differences between the two.

Night Guards

A night guard is used to protect your teeth while you’re asleep. Nightguards are often recommended for patients who suffer from bruxism. Bruxism is the subconscious grinding or clenching of the teeth, often during sleep. Grinding and clenching your teeth can result in loss of tooth enamel, chipping and cracking of the teeth, and tooth sensitivity. If bruxism goes untreated, it could even lead to TMJ, a jaw condition that may require surgery to treat.

Mouth Guards

A mouthguard is a protective accessory worn to prevent injury to the teeth, gums, and lips during sports or other physical activities. The American Dental Association has recommended wearing a mouth guard during the participation of the sports below:

  • Boxing
  • Rugby
  • Football
  • Ice Hockey
  • Basketball
  • Gymnastics
  • Wrestling
  • Karate

Wearing a mouth guard during sporting activities can also help to prevent concussions and brain injuries.

To be fitted for a custom mouth guard or night guard, please make an appointment here at Severance Dental, located here in Severance, Colorado.

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Image Credit: © Dreamstime.com

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