The Real Cost of Avoiding Dental Treatment

The Real Cost of Avoiding Dental Treatment

Man looking at a tooth in the mirror

Many people wake up in the morning with minor toothaches that they ignore. Especially if money is tight and the pain isn’t too intense. However, it’s important to know that dental disease does not go away on its own; it will only worsen. By the time you do decide to visit our office, what may have been a simple dental cavity will have now turned into a severe tooth abscess or infection. This means that, instead of paying for a filling, you’ll have to pay for a root canal or even a tooth extraction, a restoration, or a dental implant. All of which is painful!

The above scenario happens quite often. In fact, Americans spend millions of dollars a year on dental procedures that wouldn’t have been necessary, had the dentist been consulted at the first sign of pain. In addition to the extra cost of the procedures, a dental emergency may also mean you have to miss some work, resulting in financial strain.

Consequences of Delayed Dental Treatment

Below are a few alarming things to consider before choosing to postpone dental treatment:

  • One-third of all Americans have admitted to delaying dental treatment
  • Of these, around 80% were aware that the decision to delay treatment would cost more in the long run
  • The instances of people visiting the emergency room for dental problems has risen 21%
  • Lastly, 60% of people who make less than $35k a year do not have dental insurance; meaning they’re even less likely to visit the dentist for treatment

In addition to the financial strain of putting off dental treatment, it can also damage your overall health as well. Untreated dental problems like infections or gum disease have been linked to stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and premature birth in pregnant women.

In the end, the best way to keep dental disease away is through practice good oral hygiene habits. This means brushing at least twice a day, flossing every day, and visiting Severance Dental every six months for a dental cleaning and exam. Our family dental office is located in Severance, Colorado.

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