How to Protect Your Gums?

How to Protect Your Gums?

A man flossing his teeth

Oral health isn’t just about brushing your teeth. You have to pay equal attention to your gums and tongue as well – something that a lot of people neglect. The good news is that it is never too late to change your oral habits.

Following are a few steps you can start taking today – if you aren’t taking them already – to improve the health of your gums.

  1. Floss Regularly: Just like brushing is important for your teeth and tongue, flossing is important for your gums. Flossing at least once a day ensures that the plaque and food are removed from your gums – the place where a regular toothbrush can’t reach. The timing of flossing doesn’t matter; just do it whenever it feels convenient.
  2. Regular Dental Cleanings: There are specific symptoms of gum disease that may not be visible to the naked eye but can be spotted by your dentist during dental cleanings. When these symptoms are caught early on, they can be fixed before the condition gets worse. Plus, regular dental cleanings help keep your mouth clean and healthy in the long run.
  3. Brush Twice a Day: While flossing works better at keeping the gums clean, brushing is equally important. Brushing twice a day helps remove food and plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. Since the tongue can house a lot of bacteria, make sure to scrub it too.
  4. Fluoride Toothpaste: From peppermint to charcoal, the store shelves are lined with various types of toothpaste – all of which claim to be the best for your teeth. Whether you want to whiten your teeth, freshen your breath, or reduce gingivitis, look for a toothpaste that contains fluoride as its main ingredient. As long as it has fluoride, you can choose the color and flavor to your liking.

Regular dental visits are also crucial in maintaining your oral health. If you live in Windsor, Greeley, Eaton, Ault, Fort Collins, or Pierce, consider visiting Severance Dental for your next dental visit

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