Helping Kids Practice Good Oral Hygiene at School

Helping Kids Practice Good Oral Hygiene at School

Young school girlMost kids are back in school, which likely means you have less control over their eating and oral hygiene habits! Luckily, there are a few ways you can help increase the chances that your kids will maintain their healthy, beautiful smiles throughout the school year.

Oral Healthcare Tips for School

Below are a few ways to encourage healthy teeth during the school year:

  • Beware of sugar – Make healthy decisions when packing your child’s lunch. Too much sugar can harm the tooth enamel, increasing the risk of dental cavities and tooth decay. Additionally, while sugar can provide an initial jolt for kids, it will also cause a sugar crash, leaving your children feeling lethargic and unable to concentrate on school. Instead, pack things like lean meats, whole grains, cheese or low-fat yogurt, and plenty of veggies.
  • Brush after breakfast – Before sending your children off to school, make sure they brush and floss after eating breakfast. Kids should brush gently with fluoride toothpaste for at least two minutes. Not only is this great for your child’s oral health, but it will also help him or her avoid embarrassing bad breath.
  • Sugar-free gum – If your child’s school allows it, consider packing sugar-free gum in his or her backpack. Gum will stimulate saliva production and help wash away food particles and bacteria. In addition, sugar-free gum contains Xylitol, which has been proven to reduce dental cavities!
  • Rules for braces – Lastly, children with dental braces or other forms of orthodontic treatment should brush or rinse with water after eating lunch. Otherwise, the food may be allowed to sit against the teeth all day, increasing the risk of dental cavities.

Here at Severance Dental, we encourage parents to bring their children in for a back-to-school dental cleaning and exam! To make your appointment with Dr. Josh Kelly, please contact our Severance, Colorado dental office today.

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